Metal and jewelry forging guides with Bobby Graham Atlanta today

High quality jewelry forging methods by Bobby Graham Atlanta: If you are planning on making jewellery at home, on a regular basis and are wishing to improve your jewellery making skills with new techniques, a small workbench is a great place to start. We would recommend using a Jewellers workbench as they are designed to be higher than a standard table, preventing you from hunching over. It’s important that you have the correct posture while working and that you are comfortable, as you’ll likely be at your bench for hours at a time. Read extra information about the author on

Pure gold is generally too soft for jewellery making and so other metals are almost always added to it – this is known as alloy. Alloy helps to add strength and colour. Different metals can be used as alloy and depending on which one is used will depend on the final colour of the gold. Gold filled metal is also known as rolled gold. This is metal that has been made with a cheaper and more durable base metal which is usually sterling silver, brass or copper. This base metal is then covered with sheets of gold using a mechanical bonding process. This process helps to make gold metal more available and affordable for the jewellery making market. Gold filled items will have a thick coat of gold that is 5% or 1/20 of the total weight of the metal item. Gold filled metal is a more expensive and is of higher quality than gold plated items as it has a thicker layer of gold and the process is normally done with 14 carat gold.

Jewelry forging advices from Bobby Graham Georgia 2023: Start making! Once you have your design planned out, gather your materials, set up your workspace, and you are ready to start making! There are lots of project and technique tutorials online. If you are looking for a more interactive learning experience, you can always take a class or hire a private instructor when you are first getting started. Jewelry has been worn for so long that it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without it. The earliest known example of jewelry was a necklace made of bones, dated around 25,000 years ago, found in Monaco. Early stone jewelry originated in Iran and the Mediterranean between 3,000 and 400 BC. Many stone amulets featured simple carvings with symbols like flowers and stars and served as tributes to gods. Ancient Egyptians decorated their tombs and mummies with talismans, featuring ornate gems and stone-carved symbols. As far back as 1200 B.C, Greeks wore jewelry to reflect prosperity and wealth, made of gold and gemstones, and often as an offering to gods. The Romans believed in magic and myth and had a deep respect for the symbolism of gemstones. They resourcefully also melted down gold coins to cast into jewelry.

When getting started in jewellery making, choosing metal wire and sheet can seem like a tricky task but you’ll be much more confident once you understand the options available. In this advice page, we share with you an overview of the most popular metals used in jewellery making. You will find the most affordable and recommended metals for practising metalsmithing as well as learning the difference between plated, filled and solid metals.

Design your piece: If you are unsure where to begin, start designing your piece with a simple sketch on paper. Consider different shapes, colors, and materials that inspire you. You can work from scratch or draw inspiration from a vintage piece of jewelry. This sketch will help you determine what types of materials and tools you will need to turn your drawing into reality. As you design your piece, label each part of the design with the materials you need to acquire. Acquire tools and materials: Once you have a design in mind, you can start to gather up necessary tools and materials. The most accessible type of jewelry that you can make at home is wire-wrapped jewelry. It requires just a few simple tools and does not require a kiln. Working with precious metals to create soldered jewelry will require a torch and soldering equipment. If you have access to more advanced equipment and are interested in fused glass jewelry or metal clay jewelry, you will need a kiln. If casting precious metals is required for your project, you will need access to a centrifugal casting machine.

About Bobby Graham Mableton: I’m a skilled metal forger and jewelry maker, and I love nothing more than creating unique and beautiful pieces with my hands. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills with others, and I’m always looking for ways to improve my craft.

Another passion of mine is celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. I love the festivities and traditions that come with the holiday, and I enjoy participating in local parades and events with my friends and family. In my free time, I enjoy watching my favorite show, Arrested Development. I never tire of the show’s witty humor and lovable characters, and I’m always on the lookout for fellow fans to discuss the show with.