Premium RV power backups and full time RV living advices

RV kitchen accessories and RV lifestyle guides right now? A combination of freedom and adventure, RV life is incredible. But there are many aspects that can be improved, to make your RV life even better. If you bought an RV and need to outfit it, know that buying the trailer was just the beginning of your spending spree. Now for the fun part – outfitting it with travel trailer must haves! There are many travel trailer must-haves, but there are also ‘nice to have’ and glamping camping trailer accessories. Just make sure you have these things before you’re out so you don’t have to travel to the big box store (or get stranded somewhere) on your trip. Find more information at

Take a look at the tools you use most in your kitchen. Which of these items can’t you live without? Which will you have room for in your camper? You might be surprised at what you find you need (and what you don’t) when you start living in your RV. For example, I foolishly brought along our blender when we left, assuming I’d continue to make smoothies as I did at home. I didn’t use it once and ended up donating it a couple months later. On the flip side, we bought a Crock-Pot a month into our trip because our camper didn’t have an oven, and we ended up using it three to four nights a week. We could plug it in outside and let it simmer all day. It was, surprisingly, one of our most useful kitchen tools, even though we’d rarely used one at home.

Some folks drive their RVs solo, and although I can’t say much about hitching and unhitching a motorhome and car combo, our good friend Bob has found a great way to hitch and unhitch a fifth wheel trailer solo. He marked the front landing leg that’s near the extend/retract button at regular intervals all the way up and down the leg. Hash marks on a landing leg help get the rig back to the right height before hitching up. Then he numbered each hash mark. He keeps a pad and pen in the hatch near the landing legs button. When unhitching, once he’s raised the trailer to where he can drive the truck out from under it, he jots down the hash mark number that is visible on the leg. Then he drives out, parks, and returns to the trailer and raises or lowers the landing legs as necessary to get the trailer level.

Clean your RV before covering. Cleaning will remove any debris and grit that can trap moisture or abrade your RV’s finish. Also, a clean RV can’t transfer dirt to your cover. This is especially important the first time you try to install a new cover. If, for some reason, the cover doesn’t fit or is damaged, you won’t be able to return it if you have gotten it dirty or stained it. Do the actual covering on a dry day. Rainy or snowy days will trap excess moisture under the cover, and make the roof of your RV terribly slippery and dangerous.

After too many items flying off the counter and drawers coming unlatched around a corner, we knew it was time to have a checklist. Just like pilots have a pre-flight checklist, it’s important to have a pre-departure checklist for your RV. Every checklist will be different depending on the type of RV and the gear. The important thing is to make a comprehensive list and check it EVERY time you leave. We got complacent a few times and inevitably we would forget something. Just like the cupboards in your house, everything has a place in an RV. The difference is, when the RV is going down a bumpy road and that bottle of vinegar gets loose because it was put back in the wrong place, you might end up with a mess on your hands. It also makes packing up a much faster process because you know where all the pieces of the puzzle go.

Get out of debt, Debt is not a reward, and you should avoid it at all costs. When you have a debt, you will have limitations since you cannot make any major changes until the debt is cleared. One major debt you can incur is getting your RV on loan. It is better to pay cash for it than take a loan since you will end up paying more for it. Getting out of debt is your first step towards financial freedom. Try to get an RV you can afford. RV security system pick : Sabre door window alarm – SABRE Wireless Home Security Door Window Burglar Alarm with LOUD 120dB Siren: It is a Door/Window burglar alarm that goes off when you open your door or window. It is a very budget-friendly solution to your RV security needs. The 120dB siren is just loud enough to alert you or your neighbors and yet not cause a disturbance. SABRE is a well-known brand among private individuals and law enforcement agencies and has brought all of that knowledge into this system. It is a great security tool for your RV.