Electrical parts info sheets info database with Easybom

Top electronic parts marketplace information aggregation platform? We aspire to make Easybom be the most intelligent information aggregation platform. We boast the latest big data technology and accumulate billions of market data. Consequently, we can update in time and analyze the data in real time so as to make the prices more exact and transparent. Moreover, we can analyze inventory risk index, supplier integrity index and price risk index which can reflect the market, so that you can follow the market trend in time and find the suppliers and products which you satisfy most. Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core. Read more info at find electronic parts.

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access OFDMA: Friends who are familiar with Wi-Fi should know that the empty port of Wi-Fi adopts orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation, that is, the whole bandwidth is composed of orthogonal subcarriers. In Wi-Fi 6, the 802.11 working group introduced OFDMA access from LTE. The addition of such an “A” word can be said to have brought a qualitative change to the network capacity. As shown in the figure on the left below, Wi-Fi 5-based OFDM can only allocate all the bandwidth in the channel to one user at any one time, even if that user’s data needs do not need to take up all the bandwidth. When other users connect to the network, they need to wait for the next sending opportunity window (TXOP). This is very inefficient in the use of channel resources, especially when there is a significant increase in equipment.

From the perspective of automakers, semiconductors will not be enough until 2024,” read next to the big news in the April 30 edition of the Nikkei News. In this article, Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger said at its financial results conference on April 28 that “due to capacity and production equipment constraints, semiconductor shortages will last until at least 2024. How long will this shortage of semiconductors last? I began to think that, as Intel’s chief executive said, “at least until 2024”, the semiconductor shortage will not disappear, and the semiconductor shortage will last for a long time. In this article, I would like to discuss the basic principles. If we come to a conclusion first, we speculate that there will be a long-term shortage of traditional analog and power semiconductors in the future due to the following reasons.

System on Chip, referred to as Soc, is also a system on a chip. In a narrow sense, it is the chip integration of the core of the information system, which is to integrate the key components of the system on one chip; in a broad sense, SoC is a micro-miniature system. If the central processing unit (CPU) is the brain, then the SoC is It is the system that includes the brain, heart, eyes, and hands. Academic circles at home and abroad generally tend to define SoC as the integration of microprocessor, analog IP core, digital IP core, and memory (or off-chip memory control interface) on a single chip, which is usually customized or oriented for specific purposes. standard product.

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