Mechanical gaming mouse manufacturer by

Excellent e-sports gaming mouse factory? Being one of the best gaming peripheral brands and companies in China, Meetion’s goal is to satisfy our worldwide customers and players with high precision and reliable quality to ensure that every customer and player can feel comfortable and confident with our gaming peripherals in their applications. Meetion’s gaming mouse and meetion gaming keyboard, or other gaming peripherals have extensively found their applications from the market due to their nice properties. They have many features that warrant popularization and application. Discover more information at gaming mouse companies.

The First Computer Mouse: The first computer mouse was designed in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart. This very early mouse was constructed with a wooden outer shell and two metal wheels. This computer mouse was operated from a circuit board inside the device itself. The first gaming mouse: It was not until eight years later that a more modern version of the computer mouse was invented, this time by a man called Bill English. English enhanced the original design to create the ball mouse that is still used today in some places, although this is generally outdated now. The ball was added in place of the two metal wheels that featured in Engelbart’s design.

Just a year after the debut of the virtually ignored ProAgio, Gates and Co. would put all its marketing muscle behind a sleek little offering that was said to be the ultimate solution not only for Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, but for Internet browsing and gaming too. At its heart was a scroll wheel/button combo that quite simply changed the way we control our computing. Microsoft dubbed its creation the IntelliMouse, and then proceeded to sell kazillions of ’em over the course of the next 17 years.

The claw grip starts off like the palm grip, with the only difference being how the fingers that rest on most buttons are now arched upwards, like a claw. This allows for quicker reaction times for button actions. An ergonomic mouse that’s medium or high will be perfect. The fingertip grip reduces contact with the mouse to the fingertips. The palm hovers over the mouse, and it’s held only by the fingers. A small mouse is best for this grip, but you want to make sure it has rubber or silicone pads. Less contact with the mouse makes slipperiness more dangerous. While there are options for wireless gaming mice, the gold standard for serious gamers is wired mice. This simply comes down to the fact that wires transmit signals much faster than wireless so latency is minimum.

Let everyone enjoy the fun of games. MeeTion brand, which was officially established in April 2013, is a company that specializes in mid-to-high mechanical keyboards, gaming mice, and peripheral accessories for e-Sport. “Let everyone enjoy the fun of games” is the vision of MeeTion. have been working hard to help game players around the world to improve the gaming keyboard and mouse experience. We have established close cooperative organizations in different regions and have deepened our product line to make MeeTion Product more locally. See extra information on