Accredited excellent quality TEFL courses abroad

Top quality TEFL courses in Madrid, Spain? We collaborate with an English teacher recruitment agency. This agency works to find all types of teaching positions. Our TEFL Madrid Academy is committed to offering you the complete “after TEFL” support. Armed with a TEFL Certification, you can hunt around Spain jobs with lucrative career opportunities and compensation. We help you find the best TEFL jobs in Spain to fit your needs and we also own a network of academies in this city, take a look! TEFL Madrid is one of finest and highly acclaimed TEFL institutes in the country, with over 2000 students having passed through our corridors and placed in well respected jobs. Managed by former TEFL teachers, based out of Florida and Madrid, with branches all over the country, TEFL Madrid Academy offers lifetime support to all its students and ensures they land a job in a prestigious institute as they finish up their course.

Common misconception: teaching English abroad is always with youngsters who have never studies English. False! While many positions are orientated towards children who are giving English their first-go, there are many opportunities teaching adolescents and adults that have intermediate and advanced levels. That being said, you should be prepared to take on any age and level of learner. Teaching advanced students tends to be a little more generous to your wallet, too.

Here is the full TEFL guide, with everything you want to know in one place. Teaching others English really is a big and rewarding self development path! It offers lots of possibilities to freedom, visiting, learning, and adventure. Opens the door to a global career: As an added bullet on your resume, your TEFL certification can also lend itself to a global career. TEFL is not only a teaching certification but your key to becoming an international citizen. It gives you the training to think and speak cross-culturally, react quickly and think on your feet. Don’t want your teach abroad experience to end? Most don’t. With your TEFL certification, you can extend your contract, or travel to another country and teach English. Your TEFL certificate is your one-way ticket to paid travel. If a country requires a TEFL certification, you will always be able to teach English there. See extra details on

TEFL Madrid is one of the most renowned English academies in the country; it possesses great training experience, having trained over 2000 students since opening. Our teaching staff is highly trained; both in practical and theoretical content, and have great pedagogical skills, as well as skills related to new technologies. The quality of training in TEFL Madrid is guaranteed and approved by the British Council; also, the Academy works in alliance with other renowned TEFL Schools in Spain and English academies, such as the TOEFL Academy in Madrid and the American High Stand Academy. One of the main advantages of studying at TEFL Madrid is that we are committed to aiding our students even after the course has finalized. The Academy makes necessary resources available to our students in order to make finding work as an English teacher easier; in fact, the academy collaborates with different employment agencies, as well as a network of academies all over the city where teachers can not only practice the abilities learnt at TEFL, but may also find job opportunities.

For our spanish visitors:

Clases disponibles todo el año: despreocúpate por las fechas de apertura o de inicio de los cursos. En nuestra academia de TOEFL en Madrid tienes clases disponibles todo el año, así que siéntete libre de planificar tu preparación sin limitaciones. Los precios más competitivos: nuestro objetivo principal es que los alumnos tengan éxito en sus vidas, tanto a nivel académico como profesional. Por eso te ofrecemos planes con precios competitivos que puedes escoger según tus posibilidades.

En TEFL Madrid Academy experimentarás un método de estudio innovador, en el que puedes preparar el TOEFL de todas las formas posibles, desde casa o en cualquiera de nuestras academias de TOEFL en Madrid. Contamos con más de 10 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del Test of English as a Foreign Language, lo que nos ha permitido ser en la actualidad una de las mejores y más especializadas academias de inglés en Madrid, especialistas en los cursos de preparación TOEFL Más que un curso, te ofrecemos una experiencia cultural, en la que tienes la oportunidad de compartir cómo es vivir y estudiar en países como los Estados Unidos, de donde proviene gran parte de nuestro equipo docente. ¡Contáctanos y comienza tu preparación!

En nuestra academia de TOEFL en Madrid experimentarás un nuevo método de aprendizaje, completamente personalizado y práctico, en el que tendrás: te recibimos con una prueba de inglés básica, para saber en qué nivel del idioma estás actualmente. Evaluamos tus capacidades para comprender y expresar el idioma de forma oral, escrita y auditiva. Plan de estudio personalizado: según el resultado del test, precisamos cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades. A partir de éstas, elaboramos un plan de estudio personalizado para garantizar los mejores resultados en poco tiempo. Leer adicional información curso TOEFL Madrid.

Feedback de profesores americanos: los profesores de EXAM Madrid Academy evalúan tu desempeño y te señalan los puntos que debes mejorar para sacar la mejor nota. Acceso online a guías oficiales: todo el material teórico y práctico oficial está disponible para los alumnos en la plataforma online, a la que puedes acceder en cualquier momento. ¡Tú decides cuándo!