EMV payment firm? Don’t go another day without an EMV certified terminal simply because your provider or payment application isn’t EMV certified. Take advantage of the quick solutions PayJunction offers and start accepting EMV today. Get a free EMV certified terminal today! Has your business struggled to accept EMV chip cards? Were you unaware of these EMV certification details? Contribute to the discussion below, we’d love to hear from you!
EMV cards were never designed to prevent fraud when credit card numbers are stolen and used online (“card-not-present”). However, they were intended to be more secure than fraudulent magnetic stripe cards. Credit card data can be illegally captured at point-of-sale terminals and easily copied onto blank stripe cards with an encoder (see skimming).
If you are looking to migrate to EMV in the USA, please take a look at our more detailed EMV Page dedicated to U.S. EMV Migration. EMVCo published its latest EMV deployment figures in June 2016. In 2015, 35.8% of all chip card-present transactions – both contact and contactless – used EMV chip technology, this is up from 32% compared to 2014. There are now over 4.8 billion EMV payment cards in circulation, which is an increase of 1.4 billion in 2014.
Our aim is to help companies to complete EMV Level 2 and Level 3 contact and contactless certification smoothly and in a short time. We use any test tools that the client selected to test cards, terminals, hosts, and payment networks. We provide payment testing & certification services to assist stakeholders. We help your team to give real-time answers to technical, and non-technical EMV questions and subjects. Read even more info on EMV payment training and consultancy firm.