Wimberly Media developments

A entrepreneur, DJ Wimberly is the epitome of the American success story. In addition to rebranding his existing companies, plans are already in the works for several newventures including a real estate firm, transportation company, an online radio streaming service, restaurants, and a financial services company. And that’s just for starters! DJ Wimberly is living proof that with a clear vision, hard work, and dedication, anything is possible.

In our personal lives, taking responsibility is a sign of maturity and growth. It is no different in the world of business. When companies step up and learn from their mistakes, their whole business benefits in the long run. Taking responsibility results in happier clients and greater revenue for the company. Yes as an entrepreneur, I’ve experienced the highs and the lows, and accepted the good with the bad. I’ve learned a great deal over the years and I’m excited for what’s in store for the future.

What words of wisdom would you give to anyone interested in owning their own business? The idea of owning a business and being your own boss is very enticing to a lot of people. But it’s important to understand it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to be successful. I would advise any young entrepreneur to thoroughly research and plan out their business idea. Take baby steps by not trying to do too much too soon. Put safeguards in place and one of the ways you do that is by surrounding yourself with a good team. Hire the best folks and let them do what they do. Don’t micro-manage. Be open and honest with your clients and customers. Maintain an open line of communication with them. If any issues arise, let them know and also provide them with a resolution that they’re going to be happy with.

In addition to rebranding his existing companies, plans are already in the works for several newventures including a real estate firm, transportation company, an online radio streaming service, restaurants, and a financial services company. And that’s just for starters! DJ Wimberly is living proof that with a clear vision, hard work, and dedication, anything is possible. See extra details on Dennis Wimberly Atanta.

I wanted to be in total control, juggled too many hats, and didn’t put trust in others. I was overwhelmed. If that wasn’t enough, I then experienced the most crushing blow of my life – my mother died. My mother was my rock, my strength, my foundation. She believed in me and motivated me to chase my dreams no matter what. When my mother passed away I became lost and unfocused. I just didn’t care much about anyone or anything. All of this led to me not fulfilling my obligation to always provide our clients with the best customer experience possible. I take full responsibility and accountability. No one is perfect. I’ve made my mistakes. And today I choose to be open and honest about them. By owning my mistakes, I’ve learned to not run from problems. I’ve learned to be a better communicator. I’ve learned to trust my team and delegate responsibilities.

Wimberly Media Group is a multi-faceted enterprise spanning several successful companies. Formed in 1999 by serial entrepreneur DJ Wimberly, the organization experienced rapid growth and expansion thanks to Wimberly’s strategic vision and business acumen. In 2020 Wimberly Media Group is excited to relaunch and rebrand its core businesses. Discover more info at Wimberly Media Atlanta.