Videographer services Winston Salem

Commercial video production firm Winston Salem, NC? A tripod is an easy answer to producing steady video, but avoid becoming dependent on it. You can shoot steady video without lugging around a lot of gear. Get your body in position so that every breath you take doesn’t lead to unwanted camera motion. Use the ground, a wall, or another object to brace the camera and get interesting visual perspectives. By ditching the tripod, you have the freedom to move around a scene without being anchored in one spot.

How about those ancient Betamax or Betacam tapes? Lets go way back to 3/4 Umatic. All of those can be restored, saved and converted into digital files or dvd that you can enjoy today. You can have your 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm film brought back to life for viewing on your computer or television with our film to DVD or film to digital process. There are so many memories held hostage by old technology. What about grandpa’s 35mm slides from his childhood or mom’s first piano recital on 1/4? reel to reel audiotape? If you have tons of old media like film and tapes, and you’re looking to move into the digital age, we provide video transfer services. We’ll convert your videos into digital files on a USB drive, hard drive, or a DVD. Bring your business into the digital age in a shareable 21st century format. Read more details at video production services in Raleigh, nc.

Want to add some variation to your background lighting? Consider throwing a cutout in front of your spotlight at varying distances and angles to give a barely-noticeable pattern of light to the area behind your target. It may not seem like much, but it is these tiny elements that give your videos that professional feel. Finally, to give your video that extra bit of cinematography lighting it needs to really shine. Consider adding a practical light or two to the background. A warm light coming from a controlled source – such as a small lamp – can bring a bit of character and depth to the room.

And here is our daily trick for photographers: Best Camera Settings for Event Photography. I’ve found that switching the camera to burst mode and continuous focus works best for event photography. The burst setting is a must-have when guests are moving about quickly. Continuous focus has different names depending on the camera brand (AI Servo for Canon users or AF-C for Nikon users). It allows your camera to lock at your subject and follow it around as it moves. Camera settings also play a role in your style, or the style that the client wants.

As a video production company, Epic Media Productions knows the challenges of getting your entire audience in the room at your event. We’re dedicated to online video streaming and event AV services to make sure your company has the best reputation for providing engaging, accessible video content. Check out the work we do so you can see Epic’s commitment to shooting HD video productions to meet and exceed your high standards. See extra information on